Seth Parham
Happy With Nothing
In the time when I had nothing, I had so many to share it with.
Everyone would bring the nothing that they found during the day or night. We would put all of the nothing into a big basket in the middle of the room. Each would tell their story about how they found their nothing. Or earned their nothing. Or were given their nothing. And the nothing was divided with great joy and exuberance. We split the nothing into infinitesimally small portions and each was overjoyed with their share.
Sometimes, the more culinarily minded among us would bake or fry some nothing. Sometimes some of us would make pictures or sculptures with nothing. Sometimes, we would fit as much nothing as we could carry onto our bikes and go see friends. Just to show them our nothing.
Sometimes we would just sit silently. In the abundance of all the nothing. Nobody ever said it. It would ruin the mood. But we all knew that one day something would happen. Something would put an end to all the nothing.